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Week-long rainfall expected in Kolkata, IMD issues weather advisory

  • IMD predicts week-long rainfall in Kolkata, bringing relief from high humidity
  • Anticipated decrease in temperatures due to the onset of rainfall
  • Residents are advised to monitor IMD updates for changes in weather conditions

17 Jun 2024
Week-long rainfall expected in Kolkata, IMD issues weather advisory

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted a significant change in Kolkata's weather pattern, with a week-long spell of rainfall anticipated to bring relief from the current humidity. This forecast comes as Kolkata experiences high levels of humidity, contributing to discomfort among residents.

The IMD's weather advisory highlights the onset of rainfall as a factor that will lead to a decrease in temperatures across the capital city. This development is welcomed amidst concerns over the persisting humidity levels, which have been a topic of discussion among locals.

The shift in weather is expected to bring respite from the humid conditions and could potentially impact daily routines and outdoor activities in Kolkata. Residents are advised to stay updated with further IMD bulletins for ongoing weather developments and precautions.

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